All Classes and Interfaces

An non-incremental reconfiguration builder.
Expose more metrics for the operations and events
Utility class to allow execution of logic once a ZooKeeper connection becomes available.
Builder for ZNode creates
Zookeeper framework-style client that returns composable async operations that implement CompletionStage
Zookeeper framework-style client
Builder for ZNode deletions
Terminal operation for config/reconfig builders
The exception type set for async watchers
Examples using the asynchronous DSL
Builder for ZNode exists
Builder for getAcls
Builder for getChildren()
Builder for getConfig()
Builder to get ZNode data
Terminal operation to support multi/transactions
Terminal operation for various builders
Terminal operation for various builders
Builder for reconfigs
Builder for watcher removal
Utility that combines the value, the ZooKeeper result code and the exception in one object allowing you to not worry about exceptional completions.
Builder for setting ACLs
Builder for setting ZNode data
A CompletionStage that is the result of most operations.
Builder for syncs
Builds operations that can be committed as a transaction via AsyncCuratorFrameworkDsl.transaction()
Utility for adding asynchronous behavior
Set as the completion stage's exception when trying to acquire a lock times out
Debugging stats about operations
Abstracts a value returned from one of the Atomics
Functor for an async background operation
Utility - a queue consumer that provides behavior similar to a BlockingQueue
Retry policy that retries a set number of times with an increasing (up to a maximum bound) sleep time between retries
Uses an DistributedAtomicNumber and allocates values in chunks for better performance
Uses an DistributedAtomicNumber and allocates values in chunks for better performance
A proxy for connection state listeners that adds circuit breaking behavior.
Decoration on an ExecutorService that tracks created futures and provides a method to close futures created via this class
Decoration on an ScheduledExecutorService that tracks created futures and provides a method to close futures created via this class
This class adds back functionality that was removed in Guava v16.0.
Utils to help with ZK version compatibility
Configurable ZookeeperFactory, by using org.apache.zookeeper.client.ZKClientConfig.
Represents state changes in the connection to ZK
Recipes should use the configured error policy to decide how to handle errors such as ConnectionState changes.
Used internally to manage connection state
Options when creating ZNodes
A utility that attempts to keep the data from a node locally cached.
cache build options
Methods to access the underlying storage
A facade that uses CuratorCache if persistent watches are available or a TreeCache otherwise
Very simple example of creating a CuratorCache that listens to events and logs the changes to standard out.
Listener for CuratorCache events.
An enumerated type that describes a change
Interface for maintaining data in a CuratorCache
A super set of all the various Zookeeper events/background methods.
Zookeeper framework-style client
This is the base class of all CuratorFrameworks, it is public for private usages (a.k.a.
Factory methods for creating framework-style clients
Receives notifications about errors and background events
Internal representation of a transaction operation
Temporary CuratorFramework instances are meant for single requests to ZooKeeper ensembles over a failure prone network such as a WAN.
Adds commit to the transaction interface
Holds the result of one transactional operation
A version of Watcher that can throw an exception
A wrapper around Zookeeper that takes care of some low-level housekeeping
The default data validator - always returns true
Default tracer driver
Default TreeCache selector - returns true for all methods
Options to use when deleting ZNodes
Bridge between the specifics of your needs and the generic implementation
Constructs ZooKeeper paths to services for service discovering.
A standard constructor, it uses standard path constructing strategy by applying name to the base path.
The JAX-RS web service.
A counter that attempts atomic increments.
A counter that attempts atomic increments.
A distributed value that attempts atomic sets.
A barrier as described in the ZK recipes.
A variation of the DistributedPriorityQueue that uses time as the priority.
A double barrier as described in the ZK recipes.
A version of DistributedQueue that allows IDs to be associated with queue items.
An implementation of the Distributed Priority Queue ZK recipe.
An implementation of the Distributed Queue ZK recipe.
Abstraction for values that determine when an instance is down
Abstraction that provides the ZooKeeper connection string
Similar to EnsurePath but creates containers.
Since 2.9.0 - Prefer CuratorFramework.create().creatingParentContainersIfNeeded() or CuratorFramework.exists().creatingParentContainersIfNeeded()
Used when the queue is created with a QueueBuilder.lockPath(String).
An example leader selector client.
This shows a very simplified method of registering an instance with the service discovery.
Utility to accumulate multiple potential exceptions into one that is thrown at the end
Options to use when checking for ZNode existence
Retry policy that retries a set number of times with increasing sleep time between retries
Simulates some external resource that can only be access by one process at a time
Standard ensemble provider that wraps a fixed connection string
For convenience, a version of DiscoveryContext that uses any generic type as the payload
Group membership management.
Solves this edge case: deleting a node can fail due to connection issues.
Exception to alert overflowed Stat.getVersion() -1 which is not suitable in SharedValue.trySetValue(VersionedValue, byte[]) and SharedCount.trySetCount(VersionedValue, int).
A background task that purges stale registrations.
In a real application, the Service payload will most likely be more detailed than this.
Typedef for an Instance predicate
Provides a set of available instances for a service so that a strategy can pick one of them
Injectable serializer for service instances
Abstracts one of the servers in the ensemble
For convenience, a version of DiscoveryContext that uses an int as the payload
NOTE: depending on its implementation, InterProcessLock.release() may throw an exception if the current thread does not own the lock
A container that manages multiple locks as a single entity.
A re-entrant mutex that works across JVMs.
A re-entrant read/write mutex that works across JVMs.
Use InterProcessSemaphoreV2 instead of this class.
A NON re-entrant mutex that works across JVMs.
A counting semaphore that works across JVMs.
Model serializer that uses Jackson for JSON serialization.
An incremental reconfiguration builder.
A serializer that uses Jackson to serialize/deserialize as JSON.
Message body reader/writer.
Message body reader/writer.
Message body reader/writer.
Utility to simulate a ZK session dying.
Abstraction to select a "leader" amongst multiple contenders in a group of JVMs connected to a Zookeeper cluster.
How to handle listeners when the latch is closed
A LeaderLatchListener can be used to be notified asynchronously about when the state of the LeaderLatch has changed.
Abstraction to select a "leader" amongst multiple contenders in a group of JMVs connected to a Zookeeper cluster.
Notification for leadership
An implementation of LeaderSelectorListener that adds the recommended handling for connection state problems
Represents an acquired lease from an InterProcessSemaphore.
An incremental reconfiguration builder.
Abstracts a listenable object
Generic holder POJO for a listener and its executor
Utility for safely acquiring a lock and releasing it using Java 7's try-with-resource feature.
For convenience, a version of DiscoveryContext that uses a String-to-String map as the payload
Version of ListenerManager that supports mapping/wrapping of listeners
Models a single migration/transition
Manages migrations
Models a set of migrations.
Serializing interface for models
A full specification for dealing with a portion of the ZooKeeper tree.
Abstraction for multiple items.
replace by CuratorCache
Used by the various "resolved" methods and "at" methods.
Used to trace the metrics of a certain Zookeeper operation.
Transaction operation types
Describes a participant in a leadership selection
An example of the PathChildrenCache.
replace by CuratorCache
Method of priming cache on PathChildrenCache.start(StartMode)
POJO that abstracts a change to a path
Type of change
Listener for PathChildrenCache changes
no longer used.
This class is copied from Apache ZooKeeper.
This has been replaced with the more general PersistentNode
This has been replaced with the more general PersistentNode
A persistent node is a node that attempts to stay present in ZooKeeper, even through connection and session interruptions.
Listener for changes to a PersistentNode
Manages a PersistentNode that uses CreateMode.CONTAINER.
A managed persistent watcher.
Abstraction of arguments for mutex promotion.
Utility class to handle ZNode names when using CreateBuilderMain.withProtection()
A strategy for picking one from a set of instances
Message Consumer
Queue puts are done in the background.
Parameter block for specifying queue safety with either DistributedQueue or DistributedPriorityQueue
Helper to serialize/deserialize queue items
A utility for shard a distributed queue.
Various policies/options for sharding.
This strategy always picks a random instance from the list
Options to use when removing watchers
Builder to allow watches to be removed
Builder to allow the specification of whether it is acceptable to remove client side watch information in the case where ZK cannot be contacted.
Builder to allow the specification of whether it is acceptable to remove client side watch information in the case where ZK cannot be contacted.
RetryPolicy implementation that always allowsRetry.
Mechanism to perform an operation on Zookeeper that is safe against disconnections and "recoverable" errors.
Retry policy that retries a max number of times
A retry policy that retries only once
Abstracts the policy to use when retrying connections
Abstraction for retry policies to sleep
A retry policy that retries until a given amount of time elapses
Specifies locks that can be revoked
This strategy rotates sequentially through the list of instances
Represents and documents operations allowed for a given path pattern
Collection of all schemas for a Curator instance
Utility to load schems set from a JSON stream/file.
Called to map a schema validator name in the JSON stream to an actual data validator
Thrown by the various validation methods in a Schema
Data about the calling API that violated the schema
Listener for changes to a service cache
A mechanism to register and query service instances using ZooKeeper
POJO that represents a service instance
Builder for service instances
Raw generic lists don't work well in JAX-RS.
Raw generic lists don't work well in JAX-RS.
The main API for Discovery.
The main interface for Service Discovery.
This policy treats only ConnectionState.LOST as an error
RetryPolicy implementation that failed on session expired.
See RetryLoop for the main details on retry loops.
Manages a shared integer.
Listener for changes to a shared count
Abstracts a shared integer and allows listening for changes to its value
Manages a shared value.
Listener for changes to a shared value
Abstracts a shared value and allows listening for changes to the value
Drop in replacement for: that is part of the ZooKeeper distribution
This policy treats ConnectionState.SUSPENDED and ConnectionState.LOST as errors
Non mapping version of a listener container
This strategy uses a master strategy to pick the initial instance.
For convenience, a version of DiscoveryContext that uses a string as the payload
manages an internally running ensemble of ZooKeeper servers.
manages an internally running ZooKeeper server.
Thanks to Jeremie BORDIER (ahfeel) for this code
Retry loops can easily end up getting nested which can cause exponential calls of the retry policy (see
Utility to time a method or portion of code
Utility to get various testing times
Utility to get various testing times.
Mechanism for timing methods and recording counters
Builds operations that can be committed as a transaction via CuratorFramework.transaction()
replace by CuratorCache
POJO that abstracts a change to a path
Type of change
Listener for TreeCache changes
Controls which nodes a TreeCache processes.
Abstraction that allows the construction of ModeledFrameworks using strongly typed parameter replacements.
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 0 parameters
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 10 parameters
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 2 parameters
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 3 parameters
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 4 parameters
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 5 parameters
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 6 parameters
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 7 parameters
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 8 parameters
Same as TypedModeledFramework, but with 9 parameters
Abstraction that allows the construction of ModelSpecs using strongly typed parameter replacements.
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 0 parameters
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 10 parameters
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 2 parameters
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 3 parameters
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 4 parameters
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 5 parameters
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 6 parameters
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 7 parameters
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 8 parameters
Same as TypedModelSpec, but with 9 parameters
Abstraction that allows the construction of ZPaths using strongly typed parameter replacements.
Same as TypedZPath, but with 0 parameters.
Same as TypedZPath, but with 10 parameters
Same as TypedZPath, but with 2 parameters
Same as TypedZPath, but with 3 parameters
Same as TypedZPath, but with 4 parameters
Same as TypedZPath, but with 5 parameters
Same as TypedZPath, but with 6 parameters
Same as TypedZPath, but with 7 parameters
Same as TypedZPath, but with 8 parameters
Same as TypedZPath, but with 9 parameters
A ListenerManager that doesn't do any mapping
An abstraction for specifying a URI for an instance allowing for variable substitutions.
Represents one token in the Uri spec
A container for a model instance and a version.
POJO for versioned value.
operations that support watching
A CuratorFramework facade that tracks watchers created and allows a one-shot removal of all watchers
Builder to allow watches to be removed
Abstracts a ZooKeeper node
Describe feature supports based on server compatibility (as opposed to Compatibility which represents client compatibility.
Abstracts a ZooKeeper ZNode path