Modeled Curator - Caching, Typed Parameters and Versioning
In addition to its main features Modeled Curator also supports integrated caching, typed parameters and versioning.
instances can be wrapped with a facade that uses a Curator cache internally. All read operations use this cache instead of making direct ZooKeeper calls. You can also listen for node changes. E.g.,
ModeledFramework<MyModel> modeledClient = ModeledFramework.wrap(client, myModelSpec);
CachedModeledFramework<MyModel> cached = modeledClient.cached();
// reads come from the cache ...
cached.listenable.addListener((type, path, stat, model) -> {
// type is NODE_ADDED, NODE_UPDATED, etc.
Unresolved Paths and Caching
If the last node in the ModelSpec's path is a parameter, CachedModeledFramework will automatically listen to the parent path. E.g.,
ZPath path = ZPath.parseWithIds("/root/instance/{id}");
ModelSpec<MyModel> modelSpec = ModelSpec.builder(path, serializer);
ModeledFramework<MyModel> modeledClient = ModeledFramework.wrap(modelSpec, client, modelSpec);
CachedModeledFramework<MyModel> cached = modeledClient.cached();
cached.start(); // automatically listens to "/root/instance" and below
Typed Parameters
The "resolve" methods in ZPath et al. consume untyped Objects. Ideally, we should be able to specify parameters in a strongly typed manner. Modeled Curator's "type" templates provide this. You can specify typed parameters for ZPaths, ModelSpecs and ModeledFramework. The Pub-Sub Example shows how to use typed parameters with ModeledFramework.
Typed interfaces are provided for up to 10 parameters and are named TypedZPath
, TypedZPath2
, TypedModelSpec
, TypedModelSpec2
, TypedModeledFramework
, TypedModeledFramework2
, etc.
Here's an example of a TypedModeledFramework that models a Person and uses two parameters to generate the path, a Group and an Organization:
TypedModeledFramework2<Person, Group, Organization> clientTemplate = TypedModeledFramework2.from(,
Group group = ...
Organization organization = ...
ModeledFramework<Person> modeledClient = clientTemplate.resolve(asyncClient, group, organization);
TypedZPath and TypedModelSpec work similarly.
Modeled Curator supports associating a ZNode version with a model object via the Versioned
interface and the VersionedModeledFramework
APIs. To read a model along with its ZNode version use:
ModeledFramework<Person> client = ...
client.versioned().read().whenComplete((value, e) -> {
if ( value != null ) {
// value's type is Versioned<Person>
Person personModel = value.model();
int znodeVersion = value.version();
has set/update APIs which automatically use the version from the Versioned